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useful things, no. 9

The ninth in an ongoing collection of functional webpages and dork tools (excluding any/all Google programs)

o A guide to free wifi hotposts.
o Send free text messages to any mobile phone via the webz.
o Skip the thumbnails in Google's image search.
o Trade oodles of used CDs for credit at Spun.com and they'll even send the goods first, along with an empty box and return postage for whatever's being traded.
o It ain't free (cost me $50), and it's impossible to truly set levels, but the purchase of Griffin's iTalk gizmo seems well worth it already -- even if I haven't used it yet to tape an interview or bootleg a show. Those will come soon. Excepting an emergency flashlight next to my bed, I no longer have any device that requires a constant diet of double-A batteries. Weird!


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