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pendostanets! (ordovician archives no. 3)

It's been almost a year since we've presented anything from our vast (and daily expanding) Ordovician Archives. Dr. Tuttledge remains in Taiwan, researching. (His collection continues to lie in storage in Manhattan.) We continue, as we can, without him.

One recent development, at least in the blogosphere, is the proliferation of teams of conversational salesmen posting advertisements in the comments sections of blogs. They are the Ordovician equivalent of traveling hucksters who might sidle up to potential customers at a bar and sell them goods and services. Except these salesmen are retarded. Though their offered products span all nine categories of Dr. Tuttledge's classification system, they are incapable of hawking more than one item. Most frequently, they will begin conversations about poker, no matter what a blog posting is about.

A recent specimen, not having to do with poker, is most fascinating. It was submitted on March 15th as a comment on a previous posting about the New York Word Exchange.

IP Address:
Name: Pendostanets
Email Address: pendostanets@gmail.com
URL: http://pendostanets.com/


Following the URL, one is rewarded with a "server not found" notification. Yet, the post is quite emphatic about this pendostanets thing. It is, after all, the name of the poster, his email address, his URL, and the entirety of his comment. Pendostanet's primative means of expression recalls Arrested Development's Steve Holt ("Steve Holt!").

A Google search of the word merely turns up other instances of Mr. Pendostanets posting about himself ("Pendostanets!") on other blogs. One can only conclude that Pendostanets is no product at all, but some sort of code word for the initiated. Which we are not.

If anyone has any information as to the existence or whereabouts of this Mr. Pendostanets, please contact the Center for Anthropological Computing via the comments section of this blog.


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